Death Benefits
Remember at the time of retirement you, as a PERA member, had the option to select a survivor benefit. You had the following options:
Single-Life Benefit
The option of the single-life benefit is paid during the member’s lifetime only; no monthly payments will be made to any person after the member’s death. However, any balance of the employee contributions at the time of death will be paid in a lump-sum payment.
Survivor Benefit Options
At the time of retirement the member will have the irrevocable option to choose if they want to continue benefits for the surviving spouse or another individual in the event of death. The option is a 25, 50, 75 or 100 percent survivor benefit. Upon the member’s death, these benefits pay 25, 50, 75 or 100 percent of the value of the current monthly pension to the individual named as the survivor.
If you select a survivor option and your survivor dies before you, the amount of the pension will increase to the level of the single-life benefit, the amount you would have received had you not chosen to provide a continuing benefit for another individual. Your pension would end upon your death.
Remember To Contact Us
Please contact a PERA Service Representative if the member or the named survivor has deceased.
Call us at 651-296-7460 or 1-800-652-9026.