PERA Earns Two PPCC Awards

PERA Earns Two PPCC Awards

PERA has received the 2021 Public Pension Standards Award for Fund and Administration from the Public Pension Coordinating Council (PPCC).

The PPCC is a coalition that represent public retirement systems across the United States. The Standards are separated into the Administrative Standard and the Funding Standard. A pension fund may qualify and receive a Recognition Certificate for either the Administrative or Funding Standard, or a combination of both certificates.

To receive the Recognition Award for Administration, the retirement system must certify that it meets the requirements in the five areas of comprehensive benefit program, actuarial, audit, investments, and communications. To receive the Recognition Award for Funding, the retirement system must certify that it meets the requirements for funding adequacy.

PERA is honored to receive both certificates this year. The award application is distributed each year in the Fall.