Reporting Basics

School districts and local governmental employers are entrusted with many retirement plan administration responsibilities. If you have employees who qualify for PERA membership, you must report their earnings, pay contributions, and update their employment status when changes occur. Annually, all governmental units must provide information about employees who have been excluded from PERA participation. Fulfilling the reporting responsibilities can be complex. PERA is here to help. This resource kit is designed to help you meet your responsibilities as an employer representative.
Still have questions?
Contact us by email or call our Employer Line at 651-296-3636 or toll free at 1-888-892-PERA (7372).
Our mailing address is:
60 Empire Drive, Suite 200 St. Paul, MN 55103-2088.
Faxes to Employer Services should be sent to 651-296-2493.